US Cellar Systems takes pride in providing quality products and services and has done so for many years. Their wine cellar cooling units are efficient and effective in providing the ideal conditions for aging wine, and their technicians are all licensed and competent in installing their units, and troubleshooting them, if necessary. They have maintained a reputation for being able to provide proper wine storage solutions by partnering with top wine cellar designers and builders.
One of their partners in providing ideal wine storage solutions is Coastal Custom Wine Cellars. Coastal has been designing and constructing beautiful and durable custom wine cellars for over 10 years. They assist their clients by guiding them through the wine cellar design and are with them until the completion of the wine storage room.
Wine Cellar Project in Lauren Hills, Orange County, California
US Cellars and Coastal Custom Wine Cellars are an unbeatable duo when it comes to providing excellent wine storage solutions in Orange County, California. One of their most successful wine cellar projects was recently completed in Laguna Hills, Orange County, California, in a sub-division known as Nellie Gail Ranch.
Coastal is known for creating effective wine storage rooms out of small spaces. For this Orange County wine cellar project, the space that was converted to a wine cellar used to be an unused powder room. You’d be surprised at how this tiny room was, yet it was turned into a beautiful custom wine cellar.
To achieve proper wine storage, all custom wine cellars must be constructed with the goal of creating a refrigerated environment suitable for aging wine. For this Laguna Hills wine cellar project, the walls were prepared properly before any racking was installed.
The small unused powder room had an external wall with a window, plumbing fixtures, and cabinetry that had to be removed. Once the walls were cleared of these, a vapor barrier and insulation were installed. Then, the walls were refinished to make the room ready for the wine cellar cooling unit and the wine racks.
2. Custom Wine Cellar Cooling Unit by US Cellar Systems
A quality wine cellar cooling system is one of the essential parts of any wine storage room. Without a good wine cellar cooling unit, a wine cellar will be rendered useless. There are various kinds of wine cellar refrigeration systems on the market, and each wine cellar needs a different one, depending on its requirements. US Cellar Systems not only provides high-quality wine cellar refrigeration units in Orange County, California but also helps their clients determine the appropriate cooling equipment for their wine storage room.
For the Laguna Hills Orange County Wine Cellar Project, it was determined that the wine cellar cooling system appropriate was a RM 3600 split type wine cellar refrigeration unit. Since the unit is split type, the evaporator was installed behind a louvered grill in the custom wine racks, while the condenser was installed in another room. This split configuration of the cooling unit minimized the noise inside the custom wine cellar.
Consulting with the Wine Cellar Design Expert
Coastal Custom Wine Cellars offers a free consultation, along with a 3D design of their client’s dream custom wine cellar. This process makes sure that the wine cellar is designed according to the client’s preference, without compromising its functionality.
For the Laguna Hills Custom Wine Cellar Project, the client consulted with Coastal’s wine cellar design expert, and the topics discussed included the types of wines that they intended to store, how many they planned to store, how they wanted the bottles to be displayed, and how they wanted to manage the collection. As a standard practice, Coastal provided the client with a free 3D wine cellar design package. The 3D design helped the client get a clearer perspective on what the cellar would look like. It also ensured that the client liked the final design before the custom wine cellar was actually constructed.
The Final Wine Cellar Design
The wine cellar design layout for this Orange County Wine Cellar Project allowed for a total capacity of 471 wine bottles. The wine cellar design included a display arch, diamond bin storage, and high reveal and horizontal display rows.
1. Custom Wine Racking
Wine racks can be made from a variety of materials, but for this wine cellar project, wood racks were used. More specifically, Mahogany was used to construct the custom wine racks, and a natural clear finish was applied to them.
One of the challenges that Coastal had with this particular project was the fact that the room was only 60 inches wide, with an offset entry door close to the left wall. What they did to solve the constraint in space was maximize the total storage capacity, by installing 6” deep horizontal, label forward, and display wine racks on the left-hand wall. Not only is this style of wine racking aesthetically pleasing, but it is also able to accommodate a wide variety of wine bottles, from standard to magnum sizes. Additionally, this style of wine racking is shallow, and will not block the entry to the wine storage room.
The rest of the wine racks were 13 ½ inches deep. An arched tasting area was placed right across the entryway, with a horizontal display underneath, for featuring wines. On the sides of the arch, high reveal rows that tilted the bottles to display the labels were added.
High reveal display rows were continued on the right-hand side wall, including plenty of high capacity standard wine racks. Also, a central diamond bin case storage area was added below. At the top of the wall, a specially manufactured louvered grill made from Mahogany was installed, to conceal the wine cellar cooling unit.
2. Wine Cellar Door
Wine cellar doors play an important role in keeping the temperature and humidity inside a wine cellar constant. Wine cellar doors should be made from durable products. For this wine cellar project in Orange County, dual pane glass with chestnut stained mahogany framing was used, so that the inside of the wine cellar could be viewed from the outside.
Custom Wine Cellar in Laguna Hills Orange County California designed by Coastal