Tag Archives: wine cellars

Custom Wine Cellar Builder Texas

Wine Cellar Cooling Residential Wine Cellar Dallas Texas

A climate controlled environment is required for preserving wine the right wayCheck out this contemporary wine room project by Wine Cellar Specialists one of our top dealers in Texas!

About the Project

A climate-controlled environment is required for preserving wine the right way, allowing its desirable characteristics to be released when opened. When storing wine, harmful external factors such as heat and vibration must be avoided.

The major enemy of wine is heat. Too much heat will spoil the wine. Vibration also affects the chemical composition of wine.

A slow aging process is essential for wine to develop its complex flavors and aromas, which may be achieved within years. Vibration is known to accelerate wine’s aging process, which can result in a flat taste and aroma

For a serious wine collector, the wine cellar is the best wine storage solution to keep his collection safe. It is important that you choose a wine cellar designer and builder to ensure that the optimal conditions are achieved.

Wine Cellar Systems Texas - US Cellar Systems Top Dealer

We at US Cellar Systems offer quality and efficient wine cooling systems to meet our clients’ needs. Wine Cellar Specialists, one of our wine cellar refrigeration systems installers, has completed a home wine cellar in White Rock Lake, Dallas, TX.

Highly Efficient Wine Cellar Refrigeration System installed by Wine Cellar Specialists Texas

Custom Wine Cellar White Rock Lake Dallas Texas

In this project, Wine Cellar Specialists chose a US Cellar Refrigeration Systems unit. The wine refrigeration unit used was an HS4600 ducted split system. This type of climate control system does not require an adjoining room where the air will be vented, because the condenser can be placed outside your Dallas, TX wine cellar. Instead, the air is ducted to and from the wine storage room.




Lesser noise and vibration is another good thing about using the HS Series. Also, since no equipment is visible in the room, this cooling option is suitable for those who want to maximize their storage space while keeping a clean look. For this project, the evaporator and compressor were situated underneath the floor.

For any of your wine cellar cooling needs, visit our website at https://www.winecellarrefrigerationsystems.com/. Our products are also widely used in wine closets, wine cabinets, restaurant wine bars, hotels, and other commercial establishments. Click here to view our pricing.

Wine Cellar Cooling System and Air Duct Cleaning

Everybody loves a fine glass of wine, perhaps with their dinner or while socializing with friends. These days, people want to take it a step further by actually building a wine cellar right in the comfort of their own home. Because of innovations in the wine industry and the availability of advanced technology, residential wine storage has now been made more convenient and accessible for everyone.

Wine racks are essential for wine collectors who just have a small number of wine bottles and limited space and budget. If you want to invest in a custom wine cellar, a proper wine cooling unit is crucial. Let’s understand first the function of a wine cellar refrigeration system.

Wine Cellar Cooling Units Preserve Wine’s Quality

Wine cooling units are basically cooling systems that you install in your wine cellar to ensure the proper aging and storage of your wine. Wine is a very complex liquid, and it needs everything to be just right in order for it to age in the best way possible.

Maintaining a constant temperature will result in graceful aging of wine. A wine cellar cooling system regulates the temperature level in your wine room, making sure it doesn’t fluctuate. If there are constant temperature changes, wine has a tendency to go bad. The best temperature for wine storage is 55-57 degrees Fahrenheit.

Another thing that the wine cooling system controls is humidity. If humidity is too high, the glue on the label of the wine bottle melts and molds grow on the bottle. On the other hand, if the humidity is too low, the wine cork dries up and may crack which can lead to wine leakage and wine faults.

After choosing the wine cellar refrigeration system suited to your needs and budget, it is vital that you have the air duct cleaned regularly to ensure that your cooling unit is working efficiently.

Why Air Duct Cleaning is Important for Wine Cellar Cooling Units

Have Your Wine Cellar Cooling Unit Air Ducts Cleaned Regularly

Have Your Wine Cellar Cooling Unit Air Ducts Cleaned Regularly

Over the course of time, air ducts can gather dirt, dust, pollen, bacteria, and even dead insects. When these contaminants block your air duct, this can affect the level of the temperature that your wine cellar needs, which can lead to wine spoilage. Aside from this, your wine cooling system might pick up the dirt, allergens, or bacteria from the blockage and carry it into your wine storage room which can potentially harm not only your wine collection, but your health as well.

These are the reasons why it’s crucial that you regularly get your air ducts cleaned. It should be a top priority, and it would be best to have it professionally done.

Do you have any questions about wine cellars or wine cabinet refrigeration systems? Please feel free to contact US Cellar Systems at the following numbers:

Office: (562) 513-3017

Fax: (562) 513-3017

They serve several wine cellar dealers, builders, architects, designers, and contractors to create the perfect wine cellar environment for both residential and commercial custom wine cellars. Click here to learn more about their products and services.

WM Series Wine Cellar Cooling Units by US Cellar Systems

Starting your own wine collection is a long but exciting and rewarding process. There are many things to consider, and plenty of accessories needed to properly begin a good wine collection, but one of the first things you will need is a wine cellar with a climate-controlled environment.

Keep your Wines Safe with the Right Wine Cellar Refrigeration System

Why is wine cellar climate control important? Well, wine aging is a meticulous process and wine cellars must maintain constant wine storage temperature, with the humidity at a specific level. This allows for the wine to age properly, and prevents spillage or spoilage.

proper wine cellar refrigeration system is crucial in maintaining the highly delicate balance of temperature and humidity needed for your wine cellar with the best temperature pegged at 55° F and a humidity level of 75%.

What happens if the temperature fluctuates too much? The wine gets stressed and does not age in a natural way, making it taste sour. As for humidity, high levels cause the growth of mold and destroy the label of your wine. If the humidity is too low, the cork tends to dry up and crack, which can lead to liquid being lost.

Now, there are a number of wine cooling systems out there on the market, but the three basic types are the self-contained system, the split system, and the through-the-wall system. The through-the-wall type is best for beginners with a small space in their residential wine cellar because they are inexpensive and take very little space. Just like an air conditioner, they are installed through the wall of your cellar.

Reliable Wine Cellar Cooling Units

The Wall Cooler WM Series by US Cellar Systems is a great option for your wine cooling needs. They come with a creative design, which allows for it to be mounted vertically in between wall studs.

Like a through-the-wall type of wine cooler, it has a built-in thermostat and temperature sensor. But, unlike the through-the-wall type of unit, they don’t need exhaust. This makes them perfectly suited for odd placements in the room where there’s wall space that isn’t being utilized.

Other features of the Wall Cooler WM Series include insulated, rust-proof aluminum housing, thermally-protected and permanently lubricated motor, factory-installed Automatic Expansion valves that ensures constant coil temperature that promotes humidity balance, plus all units are factory-wired to make sure that field installation is simple.

The products of US Cellar Systems have been used by two popular wine cellar manufacturers – Coastal Custom Wine Cellars and Wine Cellar Specialists. Click here to view their products or contact them at (562) 513-3017.


Wine Cellar Refrigeration Systems & Wine Cellar Door Tips

Wine collection and storage does not start and end with collecting wine bottles, no matter how expensive and rare they are. There are a lot of facets in wine storage that must be taken seriously to maintain the ideal settings and conditions in your custom wine cellar. The two most important aspects of a wine cellar that must be taken into account are the wine cellar refrigeration system and wine cellar door.


Achieve the Ideal Wine Storage Conditions with Functional Wine Refrigeration System & Wine Cellar Door

Wine Cellar Cooling & Door are Essential in Proper Wine Storage

Both the wine cellar refrigeration system and wine cellar door must be reliable to achieve optimal storage conditions in your California custom wine cellar. If one of them does not function properly, your precious wine will surely be ruined.

The two main factors that contribute to wine’s quality are temperature and humidity. A wine cellar environment that has an unstable temperature and humidity will cause wine damage.

It is best to seek help from your wine cellar builder in choosing the right cooling equipment for your wine storage room. Also, make sure that your wine cooling system is appropriate for the size and location of the wine cellar.

Admittedly, the most overlooked matter is the kind of door that will not only enhance the aesthetic value of one’s wine cellar, but also one that will help in maintaining the wine cellar’s temperature and humidity levels.  Sometimes, wine collectors underestimate the contribution of the wine cellar door beyond aesthetics and design.

Wine cellar doors play a big role in maintaining the ideal wine storage temperature and humidity levels inside the wine cellar. Correctly made and installed, wine cellar doors will trap the cool air inside the room and help maintain the cool temperature. Wine cellar doors are made of wood, wrought iron, glass, or a combination of these three.

Wine cellar doors must have an insulation capacity and perimeter seal to prevent warm air from entering the wine cellar. They are sealed and have locking mechanisms to help maintain the temperature inside the wine cellar.


Planning, budget, and design are the main important aspects of wine cellar construction. It is just common sense that the wine collector assess the availability of materials and services in the market.

US Cellar Systems offers wine cellar refrigeration systems for residential wine cellars, hospitality wine storage spaces, wine closets, and wine cabinets. What is exceptional about us is our customer service, assisting our clients in all facets of wine cellar building from planning to installation.

We are ready to answer your technical questions and assist you with your needs and concerns. Our products are easily available across the US, from San Francisco to New York. If planning and proper execution is your main concern, US Cellar Systems is what you are looking for. For more details and inquiries, please visit our website https://www.winecellarrefrigerationsystems.com/ or call us at (562) 513-3017.

The Right Time to Replace Your Wine Cellar Cooling System

The wine cellar cooling system plays a very crucial role in preserving wine’s quality. Great taste, flavor, and aroma indicate that the wine you are drinking was stored and aged in a custom wine cellar installed with the right wine refrigeration system.

Just like any other machines, refrigeration systems have the tendency to wear out as time goes by. As a wine collector, it is important to make sure that your wine cellar cooling unit is always in good condition if you want to preserve the quality of your precious wines.

Now, how would you know if your wine cooling equipment is 100% in good working condition? Sometimes you don’t need to be a professional technician in order to figure out that something is wrong with the air cooling equipment. Here are some indications that would raise a red flag.

Signs You Need to Replace Your Custom Wine Cellar Cooling System

Listen to the sound of your wine cooling equipment. In every sound that you will hear, there will be a distinct sound that would tell or indicate a certain problem. A rattling sound would mean that one of the panels has broken free or the fan blade/motor is rubbing against something.

Constantly Check Your Wine Cellar Refrigeration System

If you hear a squealing high pitch sound from your air cooling system, this could mean that the fan belt has worn out. A gurgling sound may be a result of a low refrigerant in the evaporator or condenser foil. If you hear a hissing noise it may be a sign that there’s a refrigerant leak.

A constant check on your wine cellar refrigeration system is the best way to make sure that it’s working properly. Wine is susceptible to sudden changes in temperature. A sudden rise and fall will greatly affect the wine’s taste, flavor, and aroma.

High temperature will cause the wine to mature too early while a cooler temperature can ruin the wine’s taste. Always make sure that the thermostat is checked. Make sure it’s always calibrated.

The door gasket of the wine cooling system is as essential as the other components that you can see within the wine cooling equipment. A broken door gasket can be disastrous to your precious wine collections. Once broken, it can cause inaccurate measurement of temperature that would make the wine mature early.

Professional care is recommended if you want to make sure that your precious wine collections are stored safely in a climate-controlled environment. The tips mentioned above will help you determine the right time to replace your wine cooling system.

Need help in choosing a reliable and quiet wine cellar cooling system for your custom wine cellar? US Cellar Systems can help you. Their products have been used by Coastal Custom Wine Cellars in their California custom wine cellar projects. Contact them at (562) 513-3017 or click here to view their products.

The Importance of Proper Wine Storage, Aeration & Decanting

It is common knowledge that wines need to age well to be enjoyed by the drinker. Some wine lovers collect wine for easy access of their favorite vintage. Here’s a guide on how to enjoy wine to the fullest.


A Guide to Wine Enjoyment – Proper Wine Storage, Aeration & Decanting


Wine Storage

Proper wine storage affects how wine will taste after the bottle is opened. Wine storage solutions include wine cellars, wine racks, and wine cabinets.

Residential wine cellars are ideal for wine collectors who have the right space and budget. It is important that you choose a professional wine cellar builder who designs and installs the wine cellar with the equipment necessary for your wines to achieve peak quality. Wine cellars can be customized to provide uniqueness to your existing space.

You may opt for wine racks if you have only a few wine bottles and have a limited budget for building your own wine cellar. Wine racks can also be customized to complement the existing decor of your area.

Wine cabinets are built and designed to function like a wine cellar because they have refrigeration units which maintain the ideal wine storage temperature and humidity level.

In choosing a wine storage solution, it is best to consider factors such as location, budget, and the size of your collection to keep your wines safe from external factors such as direct light, heat, and vibration.

If you are looking for a reliable wine cellar refrigeration system for your wine cellar, contact US Cellar Systems at (562) 513-3017 or click here to learn more about products they offer.


Decanting and Aerating Wine

The two terms are usually used interchangeably, but they are very much different. Let us first define the two terms before discussing further. Decanting is transferring the contents of a wine bottle into another container called a decanter before the wine is served. On the other hand, aerating is to let the wine bottle breathe by exposing it to air.

These two methods are done to maximize enjoyment of wine. There are ways on how to properly aerate and decant wines.

Wine Aeration Softens Tannins in Wine

Aeration is usually needed by young wines. It is done to soften tannins in wine and to make it more balanced and smooth. It also lessens the carbon dioxide level of young wines.

One way to aerate a wine faster is through the use of an electronic aerator. This electronic aerator is a battery operated steel rod that is placed inside the wine bottle which will stir the wine in the bottle, making it mix with air. If you do not own any wine aerating device at home, you can simply maximize the wine pouring distance from the bottle to the glass and this will aid in aerating your wine.

What are the benefits of aerating wines? Aerating wines can get rid of “bottle stink”. Bottle stink is the odor that is evident when a bottle of wine is opened but evaporates easily once it has been aired.

The age of wine will determine how long it should be aerated. An old wine with the age of more than 15 years should not be aerated for more than a minute, while a full bodied and complex red wine should be aerated for about an hour. Young, tannic red wine should be aerated for about 2 hours.

Decanting Separates Wine from its Sediments

Decanting is done to separate wine from its sediments. By the act of transferring the liquid to a decanter, wine is agitated and mixes with oxygen, developing and bringing wine to life. This is why decanting is best for young wines.

Decanting an old wine and a young wine varies. In decanting older wines, a lot of care and flair is required. An old wine does not need any artificial boost thus you have to decant it before serving and before it changes.

Meanwhile, you can decant a young wine by pouring it in a decanter and letting it sit for about 20 minutes before serving it. You may observe that the wine tastes better after decanting. Both red and white wine can be placed in a decanter if you feel that it is necessary to do so.

Remember that wine damage is caused by unstable temperatures and humidity. These factors may cause your wines to lose their vibrant aroma. This is why maintaining proper wine storage conditions and decanting and aerating wine are essential in maximum enjoyment of wine. When you master these, you will surely impress guests during wine tasting parties in your wine cellar.

Wine Cellar Cooling | About Lighting, Temperature & Humidity

“Wine makes every meal an occasion, every table more elegant, every day more civilized.” – Andre Simon, “Commonsense of Wine”


“A meal without wine is like a day without sunshine.” – Anthelme Brillat Savarin


How important or special to you is wine? How do you value wines? What do you do to protect your own collection of wines?

Wine is treated by many not just as a beverage but something that has been part of their lives, may it be in times of happiness or in times of sorrow. That is how important wine is for us here at US Cellars Systems – we treat them as precious possessions that can make a significant impact in a person’s life.

Preserving your wines, protecting them from the harmful effects of certain environmental factors and providing them the best storage conditions possible are some of the ways of pampering them, just like pampering your favorite pet.

So what can you do to provide nothing but the best for your wines?

There are actually different requirements for you to be able to preserve your wines and let them age to perfection. There’s lighting, temperature, humidity, insulation and a lot more.


The Right Lighting 

Direct exposure to sunlight, UV light or incandescent light can lead to possible wine faults.  In order to protect the wine from harmful rays, they are bottled in darkly tinted wine bottles.  Another way of protecting your wine collection is by storing them in dark environments which can be provided by wine coolers, wine cabinets, and wine cellars.  Wines are also stored in boxes or crates to shield them from direct light.


The Right Humidity 

Humidity is responsible for keeping the cork from drying out.  When the cork starts to dry out, it causes oxygen to seep through into the bottle which eventually leads to wine spoilage.  Wine bottles should be stored in an environment that maintains a 70% humidity level which is considered to be ideal.

Excessive wine cellar humidity can contribute to mold growth. Although mildew will not affect the contents of the wine bottle, it can do considerable damage to the label.  This should not be much of an issue unless you intend to resell your bottle of wine.   Conversely, if the wine cellar humidity level is too low, it runs the risk of the cork drying out.

There are useful instruments that can help determine the level of humidity.  A hygrometer or humidity sensor can provide an accurate reading of humidity in your storage environment.

One of the surest ways to maintain the ideal wine cellar humidity is with the use of a wine cellar cooling system, particularly the type which has a humidity control system.


The Right Temperature 

The most important of all external factors in wine storage is temperature.  Wine is easily influenced by fluctuations in temperature.   Wine bottles should be stored in an environment that maintains a temperature within the 55 – 60°F range which is considered to be the ideal temperature for storing and aging.

If exposed to too high a temperature, it can hasten the aging process of the wine and even give your wine a ‘cooked’ flavor.  If exposed to a wine cellar temperature that is too low, it can lead to a variety of wine faults one of which is stopping the aging process altogether.

Our wine cellar cooling systems come in different styles and specifications that can meet your wine storage requirements and most importantly, maintain the ideal wine cellar temperature.


Take a look at these products:

Rack Mounted Wine Cellar Refrigeration Units

Rack Mounted Wine Cellar Refrigeration Unit

Vertical Rack Mounted Wine Cellar Refrigeration Units

Vertical Rack Mount Wine Cellar Cooling Units

Other External Factors

Aside from the three aforementioned external influences, vibration and odor can also affect the overall condition of your wine.

Vibration is said to expedite the aging process along with stirring up the sediments at the bottom of the bottle  creating the most adverse effects to your wine collection. Therefore it is highly recommended that you store your wines in areas free of vibratory motion.

Here at US Cellar Systems, we know that noise can produce vibration, and this inspired us to create virtually quiet wine cellar cooling units such as our Low Profile Quiet Wine Cellar Cooling Units.

Due to the porous nature of the cork, wine is susceptible to natural agents, particularly air, which is why making sure your storage area is free from strong smells is so important. Odor can also have damaging effects on those wine bottles that you have opened and resealed especially when placed in confined spaces with little ventilation.  With this in mind, it is imperative that you store your wine collection in areas that is clear of food, chemical, and household odors.

The orientation of the bottle must also be taken into consideration when you talk about proper wine storage.  Although there are certain wines that age better when kept upright, Champagnes and sparkling wines for instance, most wine bottles are stored on  their side allowing the cork to stay moist as it maintains contact with the wine.


Take a look at our wine cellar cooling systems and tell us which one interests you the most and why.


Contact us here.