Automatic Expansion Valve (AXV)

All USCS split cooling systems (except the CC Series) operate with a Pressure Regulating Valve aka. Automatic Expansion Valve (AXV). This valve promotes a constant pressure of the refrigerant to the evaporator coil. Valves are preset from the factory to be within tolerance and are installed in the evaporator coil prior to orders shipping out. However, the valve can be jostled out of adjustment during the shipping process. It is always recommended to verify all details of the Diagnostic Report during new installations or a troubleshooting procedure.
Normal operating pressures are 28psig-32psig.
The valve can be adjusted if necessary by following the following procedure:
*Attach manifold gauges prior to making any adjustments
1. With the system running check and record all data on the Diagnostic Report
2. Adjustments are made with the screw conveniently located at the top of the valve
3. Turning the screw ½ turn will result in a 5lb. change in pressure
It is recommended that the system runs for 30 minutes before making any adjustments.
For every adjustment made, let the system run 10 minutes before taking gauge pressure readings.
If problems continue please contact USCS for troubleshooting assistance.
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